About Us
General Information

Who We Are: Our Mission
Texas Asphalt Pavement Association is a full-service Association for the asphalt industry. It serves the needs of asphalt producers, contractors, liquid asphalt suppliers, and interested firms dedicated to improving and growing the asphalt industry. The Association is committed and dedicated to providing the services and information that keeps its member firms and the industry on the competitive edge.
Why We Exist: Aims and Purposes
What We Do: Our Services
With benefits that include everything from technical, marketing and educational services, TXAPA is your most valuable resource in the Texas asphalt pavement industry.
Technical Services
Marketing and Educational Services
Hot Mix Asphalt Center
TXAPA operates the nationally recognized Hot Mix Asphalt Center. Since 1993, the center has provided more than 10,000 certifications for asphalt pavement technicians conducting QC/QA duties on TxDOT projects.
Services For The Asphalt Pavement Industry
Dedicated To Quality
Asphalt pavements are unrivaled in their ability to provide a permanent and economical solution to our nation's paving needs. No other engineering material available can match the smooth, safe, durable and environmentally – friendly surface of asphalt pavement.
The Texas Asphalt Pavement Association is a group of professionals concerned with providing the best possible asphalt pavements to Texas users. Please call us if your objectives include specifying, building and maintaining the highest quality asphalt pavements available.
TXAPA Doesn't Cost, It Pays!
Your membership includes access to TXAPA's asphalt pavement industry experts, marketing, and technical help, seminars, training courses and the credibility you get when you belong to the only association in Texas dedicated to asphalt pavement! The objectives of the Association are to promote the use of and improve the quality of asphalt pavements, to maintain good relations between members and public bodies, to encourage high professional standards and to enhance the standing of asphalt paving in the construction industry.
The Organization
TXAPA is a 501(c)6 non-profit corporation consisting of four categories of members: Regular Firms engaged in the production of and/or placement of asphalt pavement. Major Associate Firms that manufacture, produce, or sell liquid asphalt binder. Associate Any person, firm or corporation not actually engaged in the production of asphalt pavement, but interested in supporting high practice standards in the use of asphalt. Life Individuals, no longer with a regular member firm, who have contributed outstanding service to TXAPA.
The Texas Asphalt Pavement Association (TXAPA) was formed in 1944 and has grown into one of the largest asphalt pavement associationsin the United States. TXAPA strives to enhance the quality, performance, and usage of asphalt pavement through technical, educational, and training services.