Brain Injury Awareness Month

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Brain Injury Awareness Month

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When it comes to brain injuries, not a single injury or person is the same. The month is dedicated to improving awareness of brain injuries. Providing quality support for people with brain injuries and understanding their needs will improve their outcomes for the future. Changing the world’s perspective to
understand how brain injuries work is a difficult task.

The two types of brain injuries are traumatic and non-traumatic. Traumatic brain injuries occur due to motor vehicle accidents, sports or recreational injuries, domestic violence, falls, and other external forces. Causes of Non-traumatic brain injuries begin internally due to disease, poisoning, a hereditary condition, lack of oxygen, stroke, or other internal medical condition.

Learning the signs of a concussion and when to seek medical attention can mean the difference between mild and severe injuries. Repeat injuries require additional attention.

According to the Department of Defense, one of the keys to recognizing a concussion and getting immediate treatment is identifying these symptoms: Headaches or vomiting, Ears ringing, Amnesia altered or loss of consciousness, Double vision or dizziness, Something feels wrong or HEADS.