Tips On How To Protect You And Your Family From A Home Fire

Home Knowledge Base Tips On How To Protect You And Your Family From A Home Fire

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1. Test smoke alarms: Smoke alarms are must have devices. Smoke alarms should be on every level of your home, inside bedrooms, and outside sleeping areas. Test them each month and change batteries once a year. Replace any smoke alarm that’s more than 10 years old.

2. Install carbon monoxide detectors: Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas and it can be deadly. A carbon monoxide detector can alert you to dangerous conditions. You can buy units that detect both smoke and carbon monoxide.

3. Keep an eye on cooking: Most home fires start in the kitchen. Don’t leave the room while food is cooking. If something catches fire on the stove, cover the pan with a lid to smother the flames. If the fire is in the oven, turn off the heat and leave the oven door closed. Never pour water on a cooking fire.

4. Be careful with space heaters: Keepspace heatersat least three feet away from anything that can burn—that includes kids and pets! Be sure to turn heaters off when you leave the room or go to sleep.

5. Inspect electrical cords: Any appliance with an electrical cord that is cracked, damaged or loose has a risk of sparking a fire. Replace damaged cords or don’t use that device anymore.

6. Be wildfire aware: Create a fire safe zonearound your home. Keep landscaping trimmed. Clean leaves and other debris out of gutters and corners. Don’t store anything that can burn under your deck or porch.

7. Have an escape plan: Make ahome fire escape planand practice it at least twice a year. Know two ways out of every room and make sure everyone, including children, can open doors and windows to get out. Decide where you’ll meet outside.