How to Handle Asphalt Burns Properly

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Burns can quickly become life-altering events if not treated promptly and correctly. Working around hot asphalt can be dangerous if you do not follow the safety precautions. Proper personal protective equipment (PPE), including long sleeves, long pants, face shields, insulated gloves, and proper foot ware, is required when handling hot liquid binders, Hot binders are very sticky and will cause severe burns on exposed skin.

In the event of an asphalt burn:

  • Notify others and call 911
  • Address ABC’s (Airway, Breathing, and Circulation) concerns
  • Quickly start cooling by placing the affected area under running water
  • Do not remove asphalt from the skin. Let medical professionals handle removal
  • Leave the burn uncovered
  • Seek immediate and proper medical attention

Medical experts advise immediate cooling is the best treatment. Because the hot asphalt continues to burn and do damage, it is essential to cool the burn down until you get the temperature down room temperature. This cooling process can take as long as 15-20 minutes.

Quick Steps:

  1. Notify Others
    • If you have been burned, let others know immediately
  2. Cool the Area
    • Immediately place the affected area under running water
  3. Seek Medical Attention
    • Immediately seek medical attention. Do not attempt to remove asphalt from your skin or handle the problem yourself
Source: Asphalt Institute: Cooling Asphalt Burns