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Importance of Work Zone Awareness

Work Zones can present a different and sometimes challenging environment for drivers to navigate. The importance of work zone awareness is not only to protect our drivers but also any roadside workers, or pedestrians. Remember to drive safely, it could save a life, even your own.

Top Five Tips to Safely Navigate Work Zones:

  1. Slow Down: Follow the posted speed limit and proactively adjust your driving to match road conditions. Excessive speed is one of the leading causes of work zone crashes.
  2. Pay Attention: Avoid distractions, keep your eyes on the road, and put your phone away.
  3. Watch Out for Road Crews: Roadside workers want to get home safely too. Always follow the road instructions and be mindful of the construction area road signs.
  4. Do Not Tailgate: Give yourself room to stop in a hurry, should traffic stop suddenly. A good rule of thumb is you always want to be able to see the back tires of the vehicle in front of you.
  5. Allow Extra Time: Road construction can slow things down- Count on it, and plan for it.

By prioritizing work zone safety, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a safer work environment.

Quick Steps:

  1. Follow the Posted Speed
    • Excessive speed is one of the leading causes of work zone crashes.
  2. Avoid Distractions
    • Keep your eyes on the road, and put your phone away.
  3. Give yourself time to stop
    • Should traffic suddenly stop, you always want to be able to see the back tires of the vehicle in front of you.